When are payments due?
Registration deadline: Dec. 13, 2024
1st Payment due: February 14, 2025
2nd Payment due: March 28, 2025
*Passport copies turned in*
*All forms due, $10 late fee per form past this date.
Final Payment due: May 9,, 2025
All money in by May 31 or a $50 late fee will be added past this date. All Payments must be in before trip!
Everyone must register with:
Online Application
Notarized consent form
Pastoral reference
Background check
(if 18+ at time of the trip)
Can I pay by credit card?
Yes, but there will be a 3.5% fee added to your transaction. This is NOT the preferred method of payment. The preferred is to submit checks to your local church and have them send the payment in (with a Aim payment form)
Call: 612-332-2400, ask for the accounting department
Non-Refundable Deposits
72 Hour and Rock band trips
All other trips
Who do I make the checks out to?
Minnesota District Council
Age requirements for AIM?
72 hour trips
Anti-Human trafficking, Rock band, Art, USA, International, ES Sports
15 (at time of trip)
Clean water, Live Dead trips
16, 17 or 18 (varies by trip location)
Is the advertised price the final price?
The final price of the trip will be set by at least: February 1, 2025. Due to the ever-changing prices on flights, the advertised price might go up slightly or down before the final price is set. The final price will be communicated to all participants at the AIM training on February 16, 2025. The price adjustment (if there is any) will be communicated by their trip leader and also on this website on February 1st..
What if I decide to not go on trip?
You will lose the $250 non-refundable deposit (or $100 if a 72 hour or Rock band trip). You will also lose all the money that has already been spent for your trip. Examples would be: Aim supplies (backpacks, books, bags, etc...), airline deposits and/or other deposits paid ahead of time to secure your spot on the trip.
What if trip is cancelled due to Covid-19 or other issues?
You will be refunded all your money, minus money already spent on the trip.
When and where is the AIM training?
What happens at the AIM training?
Passport / Real ID
The event takes place at:
River of Life Church
22881 178th Ave,
Cold Spring, MN 56320
February 16, 2025
Registration is from 2-3pm. Conference Starts at 3pm on Sunday, ends at 9pm
It's FREE with your AIM registration.
The AIM training happens as part of a larger conference, the Called Conference (sponsored by Minnesota district youth department). At the conference, the main focus is to help students understand the call God has placed on their life. The Aim training will take place as a track of sessions designed to give the students an overview of our AIM philosophy, and the general goals of the ministry. Training for individuals trips will take place at a later time, led by the youth pastor who is leading the trip.
Valid Passports are required for all international trips. A Real ID or enhanced drivers licenses were going to be required for all domestic flights, but now has been extended to May 7, 2025. Everyone must have a federally or state issued ID for domestic flights.
Talk to the AIM director
Got a question for Bobby, email him at: